Friday, May 1, 2015

What is Freedom?

Through the eyes of this eagle, perhaps, I am a captive of this society. 

It flew,with its wings wide open, to fill the whole sky within.
At times mocking at me and my helplessness, it flew.

Almost waiting for two hours to capture a single good click of the bird, I was about to give up.
That's how we are, we give up.
The eagle on the other hand patiently flew through all layers of the sky looking for food.
It never gave up, it flew.

Smiling at me, it approached little closer to help me capture a clear picture.
In return I was obliged. I thanked. I made a promise that I shall never give up.

Like the eagle, I shall too feel the freedom, I shall too fly!

Guess that's freedom?

Saturday, November 15, 2014


मैनें पल जुटा के रखे की कह सकूँ वो ...

वो जो मेरे इशारे ना बयां कर सके

वो जो मैं किसी मुलाक़ात मैं ना कह सका

वो जो मैं कहना चाहता था जब तुम मुझसे
अनकही पूछती

वो जो कोई और कह गया
मेरा पल चुरा गया

Friday, November 29, 2013

A Small Talk

I said: It's infinite,
She asked: What?
I said: The horizon I mean.
(But I wanted to say: My love for you.)

...Long silence...

She replied: My love for you is infinite too and you're such a nerd.

Monday, June 10, 2013

कुछ हाल ऐसा है

सोए हूए आँखों से नींद चुराना,
बीते हूए लम्हों से पल चुराना
आदत थी तुम्हारी,आदत ही रहेगी,
अच्छे भले इंसान से चैन चुराना

काँच पे बारिश की बूँदों का सफ़र देखो,
ना थमती ना रुकती
छूटे हुए यादों पे कैसे बसर करते हैं देखो,
याद कर जिन्हें भर जाए आँखें तो
ना थमती ना रुकती

कुछ हाल ऐसा है

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

New Office, New Team but Old Me.

So finally its Bombay eh?!
Also called as City of dreams, City of drama and now a City of a day sleeper –Me.
I’m responsible for so many things now. Like responsible for being irresponsible by not waking up early and missing office bus daily. I have become used to it and weird enough I like doing it.
Somehow that’s how my day starts.

In Bombay aka Mumbai aka Bumbae (whatever it is, I’m gonna use Bombay henceforth) everybody is shit busy. It took me so many days to realize that.  Infact I have heard people pray to not to meet any relative while going to work as it might just waste their time.
Even the beggar at the signal was busier than me during my first few days here; I mean he wouldn’t waste more than few seconds near one car if he won’t sense a benevolent person inside.

So unlike a regular IT team my team is not boring, and I being the youngest chap in the team surely gets pampered by them. Infact they have gotten me a new nick name “lover boy” (I am still confused why?), I know it’s cheesy but trust me its way better than ‘play boy’ or even ‘life buoy’ for that matter.
Apart from my team I made some new friends too, from other department. Few of them are really cute. So far my make-friends-and-be-nice-to-them motto is really going good.

After coming from Delhi I miss Metro the most. I think no transportation system in Bombay can beat it. Because apart from few buses (which have pretty low frequency), none of the transport system has AC inside. Not to mention Bombay local, perhaps it’s the only life threat I have it here.  I mean I find it pretty risky hanging from the door like a monkey. And by the time I reach home I smell like mixed sweat evaporated from so many people with whom I travel. But surprisingly I have like doing it. I meet so many strangers on my way home who travel with me at the same time like every day. There is a subtle care that we have for each other now. We ask each other about their well being and stuffs like that. So if an old man is asking you the reason behind your tensed face, am sure you will vent out stuff much easily and all your work frustration would just vanish.

It’s lovely that my blog opens here in my office computer but looks like there are so many issues pending on me and I can’t just keep writing this stuff now so will continue with some more interesting stuffs in my next post.

Thursday, May 30, 2013

लो जी आए हैं

उम्र के हर कगार पर सपने सी आए हैं 
कुछ खो चले
कुछ पर पाओं रख उड आएँ हैं 

कहीं ठोकरे खाई,कहीं मारी
कभी बचपना तो कभी मासूमियत खो आएँ हैं 

कहीं प्यार करना सीखा ,
कहीं उन्हें खोता खुद को रोता हुआ देखा 
हमेशा के लिए कुछ नहीं होता
ज़िंदगी से ये सबक सीखते हुए आएँ हैं  

कहीं दिल खोल कर रख दिया 
कहीं बेजुबान रह गए 
ज़िंदगी के हर रंग को 
लो जी आए हैं

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

दिल ढूँढ़ता है फर वही

"तेरे बिना जिंदगी से कोई शिकवा तो नहीं,
तेरे बिना जिंदगी भी लेकिन जिंदगी तो नहीं "

This is not just some post break up ranting. There are few lines, by Gulzar Sahab, to which i can totally relate myself.
So i have started with the above two lines.
We get used to things, the sadness, the loneliness and the fact that a person would certainly never come back into your life again. We don't complain after a certain point of time.
But at times the places, those songs and few stuff can actually fuck your otherwise get-used-to-the-sad-life. And you go back to the same old state.

"दो नैनो मैं 
आसूं भरे हैं 
निंदिया कैसे समाए"

So how does sleep slip in when your eyes are wet. Walking down the memory lane when you see all those sweet things like the first bill of the restro where you hogged food or the coffee dates. Nostalgia hits you right between your pants. Things go blank. Life seems hopeless. But you get used to it.

"जाने कैसे बीतेंगी ये बरसातें
मांगे हुए दिन, मांगे हुए रातें "
When those rainy nights, when you used share texts like "Hey its raining, it reminds me of you", are gone then the only thing left is the water pouring down and causing nuisance throughout the city, blocking vehicles and fucking metro service.
This is how the rainy days can matter to you.
So no more text sharing and no more stretching your hands out of your balcony to feel the rain happens.
Its just plain rain that happens.

"अपनी तनहाई का औरों से ना शिकवा करना
तुम अकेले ही नहीं हों , सभी अकेले हैं "

So yea i might not be the only one who is lonely,
who has stopped being funny, 
who has stopped reacting to little amusing things in life, 
who passes his time by packing and unpacking clothes in the suitcase,
who has banned few songs, 
who has stopped going to few places, stopped meeting people, hardly looks to the mirror anymore,
who has stopped thinking to grow up old with someone, 
who has found a new friend called cigarette and who has finally got used to such life.
There are many others.
So this little post is dedicated to all those other miserable people like me.