A Hot Summer night perspired my last source of entertainment, the model cum air-hostess cum hottest girl in our colony( the biggest source of testosterone supplements at unearthly hours for most of the males around) moved out...
Now when i dig into the past, i still remember the 1st time i saw her, the day when she moved in.
5'6 long, face glowing so bright and vivid that even the sun took a break that day and we had a solar eclipse!
Slipped in a hot pant(ending way before her knees) and a noodle strap top terminating just above her navel she was vibrating my stuff, my heart i mean.
She moved in into the same flat which was deserted by the demon(our landlord) some months before, now she made it heaven in her own angelicious ways.
Love was in air, i came out of my flat and observed her moves, like a fly following the scent of love.
Suddenly everything was perfect, even the annoying itch suddenly vanished. I was ready to share everything, the failure and success, the happiness and sadness, the simple hugs and tender kisses...
As soon as she entered her flat, i rushed into the kitchen and inquired that if mom has cooked something nice, in a literal stroke of luck i found some "butter chicken"(an Indian chicken recipe), cooked last week, in the fridge.
I threw it inside the microwave and in 5 mins it was ready.
Dressed in the best outfit i can, with the freshly cooked "butter chicken" on my hands, i knocked the door.
Now when even after 5th knock there was no answer, i turned back and was about to go suddenly my pervert lady luck shined again... the door opened slowly, and i turned back with a 440 volt smile, almost touching ear to ear!!
The figure which i saw almost dried the blood out of my heart, 6'5 inches, not at all a human anatomy, with all muscle at right place, protruding from where ever is should be. It was teasing my bottle shaped body!
I cursed myself at that very instant, had never thought that luck may not always personify into a lady, the personification can also be into a Beelzebub like this.
Out of confusion and fear first i thought of dancing and entertaining him but somehow I restrained myself and waited for his brawny punch on my face.
"Hi!! I'm Radhika and perhaps you're our new neighbor" said the same frothy faced girl, appearing out of the shadow of the demon.
"Our?! wtf, am just your neighbor not his" i thought.
"Yea hi!! i'm Abhishek u can call me Abhi" i replied, trying my best to avoid the cousin of Khali.
"Please come in and have a seat" she said in her sweetest voice pointing towards the floor","We haven't unpacked till now so only have two chairs out, its OK i'll take the floor, you and Pinky take the chairs" she continued.
"Who's Pinky" i asked, turning my head 360 degrees around,eagerly waiting to see another dishy face.
"Oops i thought u guys just met, he's Pinky my bf" she said looking towards the ogre.
I Almost got a heart attack! Catching up my breath i thought how harmless the name Pinky is, how admiringly he would watch me and Radhika making love, but all my thoughts were crushed when Pinky suddenly approached towards me. I almost pooped in my pants, but he stopped just a feet away from me.
"Hey watz this dude!" he said, with a very heavy voice complimenting his physic, looking towards the dish.
I almost wanted to dodge him and hand over the dish to Radhika, like a Rug-bee game, but thought of the consequences if got caught, he would surely pull the skeleton out of my body in one drag.
"Its Butter-Chicken, homemade, you being new here mom made specially for you" i said with a smile.
"Hey thanks, but am veggie, though Pinky would love to eat it" Radhika replied.
"Yes man, i would love to..." saying Pinky almost snatched the dish.
I was very happy that the food was a week old and how i wished Pinky dying of food poisoning.
Then we had some casual conversation regarding novels, i was surprised to find that me and Radhika shared the same favorite authors, Pinky being a regular Champak (Hindi one) reader kept quite, later i found that he had even subscribed for it.
Days passed slowly i realized how awesome is Radhika on bed, i mean her moaning were so high that i could hear it sleeping in my bedroom. But never mind atleast this way i could fantasize her way better than other people in our building.
But slowly Radhika was loosing the luster from her face, she was approaching towards a negative figure from the zero one, dark circles under her eyes, no more glowing skin, no more long hairs,she was getting bald, even a break-up from Pinky, hardly people saw her out of her flat.
She wasn't even able to walk the day she moved out.
"Hey so where you going?" I asked her.
"Yea going to my mom's place" she replied, trying hard to keep a smile on her face.
She hugged me and gave me a peck, she wasn't attractive anymore still the kiss turned my world upside down, and then she left in a taxi. That is the last sight of her in my mind.
Days after Radhika left I met Pinky in a Mall. Asked her about Radhika and suddenly the giant started crying like a baby.
"What happened man why are you crying?" i asked, with the same confusion and fear in my mind.
"Radhika was having cancer, that's why she dumped me, now she lives in u.s. with her parents, living the last few months of her life" he replied and ran away from there like a girl freshly dumped from her boy friend.
I was quiet, went home, cried whole night, cursed myself that why couldn't i understand that she was not well.
But yea that's life, that's how it works, nothing like the way we think or plan...
Alas... the Chand Ka Tukda moved out but she left some cute and pervert memories within all of us.
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