Ok finally I finished writing this story, and thanks to my friends, teacher and even my dog that they never really cared to inspire me to write something like this, but I think I owe this piece of crap to my friend Cyrus(roll no. 33), who’s actually the protagonist of this story.
2nd January, 9:30 am.
Champaklal shouted: “guys ec results are out, checkout the notice board.”
Today Champaklal was loaded with 10 teaspoon of oil and formals, as he was expecting to top and he’d have to tell the teacher that how he busted his bums to top the university.
I tried to see my marks but all ready nerds of our class, were buzzing around the notice board as if some Pamela Anderson photo was posted”
Suddenly someone shouted: “you at 60% and Cyrus got 2 backs”. I don’t know whether he was showing his sympathy or humiliating me. Anyway screw him who cares!!!!!
Cyrus as usually having his happy nap instead of attending class.
I called him…..
me: “abey our results are out”
Cyrus: “so”??
Me: “man you have got 2 backs and me at 60”
Cyrus: “sounds cool better than last time”
and he hung up
I went to his room to give him my part of sympathy.
Knock knock . He opened the door with a grin.
I thought for a moment that was this guy going nuts or was the result a serious shock to him. My mood was off and on top of that this guy was grinning, probably that’s made me shout at him and try the useless effort to encourage him. Finally I convinced him to buy a self-improvement book. Then I started off for home to tell my parents the bad news.
Me : “ok bye man, I have to leave”
And that bugger didn’t even care to wish me bye. Never mind.
Alas!!! With no hard feelings I left.
Same day 7:30 pm:
Cyrus reached Crossword (a bookshop) to buy an inspiring book.
He checked out some books and finally selected one; he turned that book to see its price.
It was tagged Rs 450. He checked out his pocket and found some 200 rs and some change, a used toothpick, an old paper napkin, a button etc etc.
“Excuse me do u have discount on this book” asked Cyrus to the shopkeeper.
“No sir, not on this book, it’s a best seller”
“Ok then show me some self-improvement book that have discount on it” asked Cyrus.
I mean common how many of you first see the price of the book then buy it!!!!. But that was Cyrus and u don’t expect too much from him.
Now lays the quirk.
A good looking girl with some of her ugly friends entered the book shop.
Cyrus who was busy in finding the cheapest self-improvement book suddenly turned back n saw that girl.
His stuff starting pumping harder, I mean his heart off course ;). Completely mesmerized by her beauty he came in the line of sight of that girl that even the girl noticed him staring.
Like a good pet Cyrus followed that girl.
Suddenly the girl took a book and sat down to read it.
Now Cyrus too picked up some random book, sat down just opposite to the girl.
“ Hey hiee!!!” greeted the girl.
Cyrus, always low on confidence, turned back to assure himself that the girl was addressing to him only.
“ Yea”? Said Cyrus.
“ u seem to have pretty good taste of books, can u help my buy some good books” asked the pretty girl.
“ yea sure y not” replied Cyrus casually, were infact he was desperate for such an opportunity.
After going through some books and chatting, the girl said “ buddy I am afraid I have to leave, can I have ur contact number” ?
Cyrus puked out all the number he knew through which he could be contacted.
“ Bye”said the girl.
“ yea bye. Hope to see you around sometime.” said Cyrus.
“Excuse me sir” !!!!, “sir excuse me” (now in a louder voice) !!! said the shop keeper.
“ humm…y..yea…what happened” replied Cyrus wiping out the drooling saliva from his face.
“ Sir I think u were dozing off, we are about to close the store so had to wake u up”.
Replied the shop kepper.
“ No..err…actually I was in a deep thought about this book” Cyrus tried to defend.
“ yes sir we don’t see much people around who actually snore when they think” said the shop keeper.
“ so can I pack this book up for you”? continued the shop keeper.
“ wait a min do u have ny more books from the same author” enquired Cyrus.
“ people hardly buy more of these books, so we don’t have much variety on them, and yes we might have had discount on them” said the shop keeper mockingly.
Finally Cyrus actually saw the title of the book on which he was giving a deep thoughts for the past few hours. The book was titled “ the art of love making”
Now totally embarrassed he cursed himself why he said all those stuff like deep thoughts and all to the shop keeper which might have sounded like shit to him.
He wanted to vanish from there, but unable to do so he said some other time and left the shop.
So this was how he spent his time in the book shop.
He didn’t get the gal, buy a single god-damn book.
But never mind he had a cozy nap and a sweet dream that will keep him charged for the coming semester!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteseems like it happened for real... did it? :P
actually yea, some of them really happened :)